Congratulations on The Renewal of Contract with Sole Agent of Vietnam
On June 1st 2018, Canature HuaYu has successfully held the ceremony which issues Letter of Authorization in 2019 with sole agent of Vietnam.
越南代理商TOAN A公司与开能华宇多年合作,十分认同我们的华宇精神“品质、服务、专业、专心”,预见了环保行业的发展前景。在公司实力、产品质量、售后保障等多重因素的考量下,最终决定与我司续签2019年的玻璃钢罐越南独家代理权,成为越南地区的总代理。
TOAN A Environment Technology JSC as a Vietnam sole agent has cooperated with Canature HuaYu for several years. TOAN A not only admits Huayu’s spirit which involves value, service, specialty and concentration, but also predicts the bright future of environmental protection industry. Considering capabilities of enterprise, quality of product, after-sale service and other factors, TOAN A finally decided to renew the agreement of exclusive selling agent with us and become sole agent of Huayu in Vietnam.
Self-owned brand “HuaYu” FRP Pressure Tank has won the honorary title of National High-tech Product. Meanwhile, our FRP Tank passed NSF, CE and numerous safe tests and environment-friendly certifications. There are more than 80 models of FRP Pressure Tank series, which not only satisfied the domestic market but also accommodate with five continents all over the world.
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